
Even though I liked school, recess was always a treat. Admittedly, I was as likely to stick my nose in a book as play handball, but the freedom to choose what to do elated me.

Fitness, too often, seems to end up like school. The teacher tells you what to do, you groan, and you do it. What if it felt like a treat? What if fitness was something you got to do, something you chose? That’s what I want fitness to be, both for myself and for my clients.

Recess Physical Fitness offers personal training and Pilates instruction to people at all levels of fitness. I believe that training should be both fun and challenging, allowing clients to achieve their goals in a supportive environment.

I am a NASM-certified personal trainer with specializations in corrective exercise, weight loss, behavior modification, women's fitness, senior fitness, virtual training, COVID-19 protocols, and fitness nutrition as well as an NPCP-certified Pilates instructor.

I offer a free, 90-minute session for new clients that includes a full fitness evaluation and workout.

-- Janet Salsman